"The Game Ain't Change, Just The Pieces On The Chessboard." -Nipsey Hussle
"Likewise, wrath is a natural emotion linked to self-worth. We feel wrath against those who incur it because we will not allow ourselves to be disrespected and mistreated. " |
I've walked into business meetings wearing dickies and a black t-shirt, and had drastically outdone attorneys with business suits. An adversarial- intellect cuts in every direction attempting to meet the unlimited-potential of the "desired-intent", with the ability to pierce through "pomp and circumstance" charades meant to distract/imbue a subtle manipulative frequency based on audience-conditioning. In a procedural context, the ability to always-automatically questionably-discern to cut to the "issue", and in an organized fashion, proceed to properly research and develop an evidentiary-basis to provide a proper articulated "analysis" to come to a coherent "conclusion" regarding said "issue", meets the "due diligent" qualifications of what can be considered a "trusted-advisor". Someone who will tell you things you don't want to hear, but nonetheless, you need to hear to dispel delusions. As such, "adversaries" know all too well, when people move in the direction of "hell", they tend to blame the "messengers" who are bringing them delusionary spell-breaking "messages".
Beyond limited dualistic measures, an "adversary" is capable of sitting with the rejuvenating force of "chaos" to manipulate such pure-potential to "orderly" move forward with the aligned wisdom of "kairos". Things are not as they seem, nor are they black and white. You can place 12 Angry Men into a debate room, yet it is the friction between chaos and order, that we may find the "truth" of who Killed A Mockingbird. As continuously found, the "truth" is typically not found on surface-value, hungered by the masses needing to quench their drama-thirst. Therefore, you have the dreaded "grey-area" that stymies most intellects, requiring those capable of locating and forging "patterns" among the turmoil to provide "relief" for harmony-maintenance and evolutionary-future outcomes. Those who are capable of "reading" between the lines, piercing through thought-emotional barriers, and comprehensively in a coherent-articulative fashion, produce catalogable results leaving behind what does not work, are capable of facing all aspects of oneself and its evolutionary-potential.
In other words, do you have what it takes to walk the path of Twilight?
[email protected]
An Adversary, Esq.
"Sit with your fear and face it. You will find that it has been fooling you
with idle threats all this time. Build the pathways. Become less animal
and more spirit." -Id., Channeling Satan, Pathworking With Satan
[email protected]
An Adversary, Esq.
"Sit with your fear and face it. You will find that it has been fooling you
with idle threats all this time. Build the pathways. Become less animal
and more spirit." -Id., Channeling Satan, Pathworking With Satan